The FEEL GOOD Edition
With the news of UK lockdown 2.0 breaking this weekend, it has never been more important to look after ourselves and our mental health.
At Sarvin, we are trying to stay positive ahead of tonight by making plans of what we want to achieve during the lockdown to make the most of this unusual situation we find ourselves in.
We have created a 6 step checklist to survive lockdown 2.
Six steps to FEEL GOOD during a lockdown
MENTAL HEALTH SELF-CARE during the next month should be your priority. Take the time to de-stress and think about how your feeling. Chat with your friends and family about how you are feeling (you may be isolating, but you don't have to feel isolated). Check-in with your loved ones, a lockdown can be extremely tough. Some of the top-tips we love include: practising yoga and meditation, taking time away from social media, and keeping in contact with our loved ones.
GET FRESH AIR & EXERCISE. While everyone needs to remain careful and considerate, let's not forget that there are still plenty of other health battles to fight. Even if you are not a runner and HIIT might not be for you, moving your body and getting fresh air every day is vital for mobility, mental well-being, and general physical fitness. The endorphins released can be the best FEEL GOOD remedy of all and are what everybody needs right now- regardless of British weather.
DO THE TASKS YOU HAVE BEEN AVOIDING! Come on we all have them… The wall that needs fresh paint, those makeup brushes that need cleaning, the book you never finished, or that cupboard that needs to be re-organized. We all hate to get them done, but it's a great way to feel productive, accomplish something with your day and let's face it when are we next going to have this much free time on our hands?
PLAN THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO, No one knows when life will be totally back to normal, but that does not mean your life has to stand still. Add some structure to your week by planning some well-deserved opportunities to have fun. Whether it's Tuesday Pizza Night, creating that TGIF feeling with a Friday Cocktail. Everyone is struggling for inspiration in 2nd lockdown, but it does not mean we have to sit feeling miserable for the next month. Have a zoom wine tasting, make a bonfire in the garden, or mini Christmas market at home, get creative & remember to have fun!
START A NEW HOBBY. In true lockdown style, remember a hobby is always the best way to fill your downtime, so switch it up from endless Netflix & Instagram scrolling and figure out what you enjoy. Whether you knit, paint, bake, do jigsaws, learn a new instrument, cycle, or skateboard. There are plenty of possibilities; the question is which one first?
DON'T SIT IN YOUR PYJAMAS ALL DAY! We all love comfort, and tracksuits are always going to be part of our lockdown wardrobes, but part of creating a routine and shifting between work and downtime can be as simple as a change of wardrobe.
So get showered and put some fresh clothes on for work and your day-time activities, and if you feel like getting dressed up one night, do your hair and makeup and wear a dress for dinner.
Make yourself fall in love with your favourite outfits again!
To show how to have fun at home we have picked our favourite FEEL GOOD Sarvin dresses, for some lockdown dinner date inspiration…
During difficult times like this, we all need to remember the small pleasures in life and make the most out of what we still have.
These six steps are our bullet points for staying sane. Not every day is going to be the most productive. Not every day is going to be your best, and some days you might not want to get up at all! But remember to take every day as it comes, remember this situation is ONLY TEMPORARY, and things will get better. So plan and create a routine to help you feel good, but remember some days it won't happen, you might not feel up to it, and that's okay too.
Article Features Sarvin's: Amber (Cover), Shay, Verdant, Rosie & Natalie dresses